
Posts Tagged ‘marijuana’

TALKING POINTS: 4 Things Every New Entrepreneur Should Splurge On; Colorado’s New Innovation High

January 3, 2014 1 comment
(Photo by RJ Sangosti/The Denver Post)

(Photo by RJ Sangosti/The Denver Post)

4 Things Every New Entrepreneur Should Splurge On {HuffPo Canada}

There are investments you need to make as a start-up — like design and marketing, for example — that seem like a non-negotiable no-brainer. But there are other, perhaps less obvious, investments that are important to the long-term success of your business.

Is Colorado About to Get a Rocky Mountain Innovation High? {Washington Post}

The decision to legalize marijuana for recreational use in Colorado has already been considered from a number of perspectives, many of them focusing on the economic, social and political implications of the move. Here are three ways to think about Colorado’s groundbreaking move from an innovation perspective.

BlackBerry Sues Ryan Seacrest’s ‘Typo’ iPhone Keyboard Case Company Over ‘Blatant’ Copying {ZD Net}

First it was Alicia Keys getting the can from the former smartphone making bigshot. Now it’s Ryan Seacrest lined up in BlackBerry’s sights. Either BlackBerry is gearing up for a war on celebrities, or the Waterloo, Ontario-based company is less than pleased at the idea of bringing a former killer feature of the keyboard-enabled smartphone to a rival device. It’s probably the latter.

Breakthrough Fuel CEO to University of Wisconsin Grads: Be creative, entrepreneurial {UW-Green Bay}

Business entrepreneur and UW-Green Bay graduate Craig Dickman delivered the commencement address at his alma mater Saturday, Dec. 14. Dickman talked about his business philosophy, and shared a favorite quote from the late Michael Hammer, a former-business professor at MIT and well-respected author and analyst. 

“Business creates,” Hammer wrote. “Medicine heals… education enlightens… science discovers… art inspires… but business creates.  It creates products, it creates services, it creates jobs. It creates value for its customers and assets for society.  Without the vital creative force of business, our world would be impoverished beyond all reckoning.”